Meteor, I spent about 3 weeks learning this stuff and I still feel unconfident. Meteor is a totally a different monster, it still feels so foreign to me. Like somedays everything makes sense and is going smoothly. Then there are days where nothing is going my way, and everything is crashing my website. It’s cool that something like this exists, but it has a huge learning curve.
Meteor was and still is a very difficult application for me. I put in so many hours trying to understand it, yet it feels like I am not making much progress. Whenever I try to do stuff on my own, it makes no sense and I have no clue what I am doing. But when I am watching the tutorial videos on what to do, it is super clear and everything works perfectly. Maybe it’s not for me. I think the hardest part about it is trying to comprehend the concept of MiniMongo. I get it conceptually, but not really.
Not everything about Meteor was tough though. Like when I was doing the first few apps with Meteor, it was pretty easy. Changing the initial home page and stuff was simple and straight foward. It’s when you had to start link pages with each other with conditional check fields and routing. There is just so many different files to keep track off.
I can totally see the benefit of learning Meteor for the future. Especially if I wanted to get into software development as a career. I might not be able to do the actual stuff myself, but I have enough foresight to see that Meteor would help the average person create an awesome website. With a strong understanding of Meteor plus semantic UI, and any amateur could produce professional level quality websites.
Before using Meteor again, I would buy a better laptop. Meteor requires so much attention from your computer, with my 4 GB ram computer, it was rough. Also, for whatever reason, I won’t be using Windows if I am going to use Meteor again. The two are like oil and water, they don’t like each other at all.